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Friday 22 January 2010

Inspector Gadget

Never let it be said that I do not try and approach an issue from various angles.

I have been reading a book by Inspector Gadget. Here's my review; if you are a card carrying member of the serial appologist brigade, you will love it. It will justify all those difficult situations like De Menezes, Sean Rigg, Tomlinson and on a less tragic scale, Bishop Blakes and my own experiences.

However, if you read this blog with any sympathy, it will have you seething. Three times I have said to myself that I will not continue to read this facist, arrogant neanderthal tripe. Now I have a pencil tucked into the book and I comment as I go along. I have snapped the lead several times but at least I can satisfy myself that I have done my best to understand the psychology of what I am up against.

Now Inspector Gadget has a blog. (I'm looking forward to the responses to my first comment :P)

I can't fault the man's buisness acumen in that he has got a shop selling his merchandise! I put aside my moral qualms about a public servant profiting from his position of public servant and my musings on whether he had declared his interests and asked permission from his employer. However, I continued to digress into the following train of thought: IG declares > Bigwigs in Cop heaven know > Bigwigs sanction?

But anyway, I put those thoughts aside and saw the merchandise (featured above) that I must have once it becomes available.

I don't think IG is able to understand why I find this so wonderful, which just adds to it's deliciousness :)


  1. Number of comments on your recent posts = none. Certainly, noone is watching you! Ha ha.

  2. Hey IG. Why dont you put a name to what you write?

  3. IG has not only deleted my posts and banned my IP, but he has also deleted any post that wasn't unequivocaly in support for what he has said.

    I'd like to say that I am surprised.

  4. Still no comments. No one is watching you alright. Snigger.

  5. You'll do Gadget :) And even so, it is more for me than anyone else :) I at least put my name to my opinions. See you soon.

  6. Inspector Gadget is a snide, worthless scar on our nation and he shames every decent police officer with his hysterical fascist ranting. Well done to you for exposing himn for what he is.

    Sooner or later he will be sacked and hopefully have his pension confiscated as well.
